
Why consider dental implants?

Losing one or more of your teeth creates a gap in your smile, affects your ability to chew properly, and can alter your diet and nutrition. While these are all serious issues, did you know that tooth loss also leads to bone loss?

normal bone profile without bone lossprofile after tooth lossprofile after bone loss
normal profileafter tooth lossafter bone loss

Dental Implant Therapy

When a tooth is lost, the jawbone beneath it begins to shrink (or atrophy) and becomes brittle from lack of exercise. Not only does losing a tooth affect your smile, it also changes the shape of your face causing you to look prematurely aged.

Benefits of Dental Implants

  • replaces missing teeth
  • maintains bone
  • maintains your youthful appearance
  • restores your natural smile

About Dental Implants

Dental implants are the new standard of care for tooth replacement. They are secured into the bone to provide long term support for crowns and dentures.

Biohorizon Implants


Implant, Bridge or Nothing, what’s best ?


Dental implants are the new standard of care for tooth replacement.
They are secured into the bone to provide long term support for crowns and dentures.

What to Expect

Treatment Planning

We will take x-rays and create a model of your existing teeth to determine implant position. Occasionally, a bone graft or gum tissue graft will be needed to create an adequate site for the dental implants.

dental implant placementImplant Placement

Dental implants are placed into the bone in a relatively pain-free procedure. The bone and gums will be given time to heal before an abutment and crown are attached. In most cases, you can receive a temporary crown the same day the implant is placed.


dental implant crownCrown Placement

Your final crown will be placed to restore your natural smile.


For more information on dental implants please follow the link below.
Contact us today to see if you are a candidate for Dental Implants.